Trash and Recycling

June 26, 2021

Due to the extreme heat and the associated safety concerns, MUD 370 along with the cooperation of the HOA has authorized Texas Pride to begin their routes through our communities at 6:00 a.m. This will continue throughout the summer.

Recently, in another community, a Texas Pride employee was struck by an auto speeding around the truck. Fortunately he has made a full recovery and is back to work. This is another reminder that if you have someplace important to be at, please try to leave your home 30 seconds earlier and drive safely while in our community.

As previously mentioned, MUD 370 has been working with Texas Pride to determine ways to improve the timeliness of their recycling service. Effective next week, recycling pick up will switch from Monday to Thursday. Texas Pride has fewer routes on Thursday and this simple move should allow them complete their recycling pick up in our community on a more consistent basis. Therefore there will be no recycling pick up June 28th,instead there will be recycling pick up on July 1st.

As always, thanks for your cooperation.

MUD 370

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